Form Elements

vue-formily has 3 base form elements classes: Field, Group and Collection.


A Field represents a single field in a form. E.g, username, email, password... Each Field will have one of these types: string, number, boolean, date. And its value will be casted to the relevant type automatically, if the value can not cast, the it will be set to null. For example:

const field = new Field({
  formId: 'age',
  type: 'number'

await field.setValue('1'); // field.value === 1
await field.setValue('1a'); // field.value === null


To learn about the schema, please read the document.

Here are some usages:

// Properties
  formId: 'age',
  type: 'number',
  props: {
    placeholder: 'Age',
    label: 'Age'

// Default and initial value
  formId: 'name',
  type: 'string',
  // The field will have this value when it was reset
  default: 'John',
  // The field will have this value on first init
  value: 'Smith'

// Validation
  formId: 'name',
  type: 'string',
  rules: [
    // Use default
    // Override
      message: 'This field is required.'

Checked State

When working with checkbox or radio, it's handy if we can handle the checked state. And you can handle it through the checkedValue if schema:

We can not set checkedValue for boolean type
const field = new Field({
  formId: 'name',
  type: 'string',
  checkedValue: 'test'

await field.setValue('test'); // field.checked === true

You can set the checkedValue in code:

const field = new Field({
  formId: 'name',
  type: 'string'


await field.setValue('test'); // field.checked === true


A Group is a container for other form elements such as: Field, Collection or event another Group. Group has the type is enum, that mean its value is an object that has the value of all sub-elements. For example:

Group is also the base class of the class Form
const group = new Group({
  formId: 'user',
  fields: [
      formId: 'firstName',
      value: 'John'
      formId: 'lastName',
      value: 'Smith'

console.log(group.value); // { fisrtName: 'John', lasName: 'Smith' }


To learn about the schema, please read the document.

Here are the example:

  formId: 'user',
  fields: [
      formId: 'firstName',
      value: 'John'
      formId: 'lastName',
      value: 'Smith'
  // Add some validation for this group
  rules: [
    // Required all sub-elements have to have value

Here is the demo on Codepen:


A Collection is a list of groups, it's useful when you need to design a form that contains a list of items such as: addresses, cards, skills... Collection has the type is set, that mean its value is an array that has the value of all sub-groups. For example:

const collection = new Collection({
  formId: "skills",
  group: {
    fields: [
        formId: "name"
        formId: "description"

const group = collection.addGroup();

await group.setValue({
  name: 'FE',
  description: 'Frontend Developers are awesome!'

console.log(collection.value); // [{ name: 'FE', description: 'Frontend Developers are awesome!' }]

Here is the demo on Codepen:


To learn about the schema, please read the document.

Here are the example:

  formId: "addresses",
  props: {
    label: "Addresses"
  group: {
    fields: [
        formId: "address",
        props: {
          label: "Address"
        formId: "city",
        props: {
          label: "City"
        formId: "postcode",
        props: {
          label: "Postcode"

We have defined a collection schema named addresses, it has the group field which is actually the Group schema but drop the formId field. Because, in collection formId is not fixed, and will be auto generated when a new group is added. A collection can contain many groups inside it, and a group can be added dynamically by calling the collection.addGroup() method.

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Fri, Feb 4, 2022