Form Groups

Sometimes we need to handle a list of something like skills, publishers... and vue-formily has the Collection will help you to do that.

Assuming you are building a profile page that contains a name field and a list of addresses of the current user. With that requirements, let's design a schema for that page.

Firstly, let's define the form schema called profile:

const profile = {
  formId: "profile",
  fields: []

Now, the form need some fields to work with.

The first field is the name. We know it's a single field, and its value should be string:

  formId: "name",
  // We can omit this because `string` is the default type of Field 
  type: "string",
  props: {
    // We define `label` property to use to render the label
    label: "Name",

The next field is the addresses, it's a list of many address. How do we build the schema for a list?

Let's break the addresses into a single address first. As we known, an address can contain many fields such as address, city, postcode... Each of them needs a schema to work with:

  • address - A single field, and the type is string:
  formId: "address",
  props: {
    label: "Address",
  • city - A single field, and the type is string:
  formId: "city",
  props: {
    label: "City",
  • postcode - A single field, and the type is number:
  formId: "postcode",
  type: 'number',
  props: {
    label: "Postcode",

Now we have all schemas for our address. The final thing to do is to put them into a list, and we will use Collection to do it:

  formId: "addresses",
  props: {
    label: "Addresses"
  group: {
    fields: [
        formId: "address",
        props: {
          label: "Address"
        formId: "city",
        props: {
          label: "City"
        formId: "postcode",
        props: {
          label: "Postcode"

Here, we define a collection schema named addresses, it has the group field which is actually the Group schema but drop the formId field. Because, in collection formId is not fixed, and will be auto generated when a new group is added. A collection can contain many groups inside it, and a group can be added dynamically by calling the collection.addGroup() method.

Now, we have got all the missing pieces, let's put them all together. The final schema will look like this:

const profile = {
  formId: "profile",
  fields: [
      formId: "name",
      props: {
        label: "Name",
      formId: "addresses",
      props: {
        label: "Addresses"
      group: {
        fields: [
            formId: "address",
            props: {
              label: "Address"
            formId: "city",
            props: {
              label: "City"
            formId: "postcode",
            props: {
              label: "Postcode"

The last thing is to use it in the Vue component the render the form. We have created a live demo below.

In the demo, we added some validation rules. To learn more, you can check it out in the sandbox

Live Demo

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Fri, Feb 4, 2022