
Plugins usually add global-level functionality to vue-formily.

Install a Plugin

Use plugins by calling the VueFormily.plug() global method. This has to be done before you start your app by calling new Vue():

Vue 3.x

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createFormily } from '@vue-formily/formily';

const formily = createFormily();

// calls `MyPlugin.install(Objeto)`

// vue 3.x
const app = createApp(App)

app.use(formily, {
  // options

Vue 2.x

import Vue from 'vue'
import { createFormily } from '@vue-formily/formily';

const formily = createFormily();

// calls `MyPlugin.install(Objeto)`

// vue 2.x
Vue.use(formily, {
  // options

Writing a Plugin

A vue-formily plugin should expose an install method. The method will be called with the vue-formily global config object as the first argument, along with possible options:

interface Plugs {}

type VueFormilyConfig = {
  plugs: Plugs;
  elements: any[];

MyPlugin.install = function (config: VueFormilyConfig, options) {
  // 4. add method
  config.plugs.myMethod = function (methodOptions) {
    // some logic ...

Using a Plugin

When a plugin is installed, you can access it throught the plugs property of the current form elemnent.

const schema = {
  formId: 'login',
  fields: [
      formId: 'email',
      props: {
        length() {
          // access myPLygin in Field
      rules: [
        function validator() {
          // access myPLygin in Rule
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